Langkau ke kandungan utama

Lupa letak tajuk

Cerita ayah...

Aku : angah ok je dpt blaja sarawak, x kesah dapat jaoh pon. best ape.
Ayah : kire tanak tuka u la neh.
Aku : dah rezeki sane kan, tapi takot ayah je riso sngt.
Ayah ; kalo angah da ok, x pe lah. Kalau tanak wat ayah risau jgan la buat x pasal2 kat sane. jage diri leklok.

Cerita Adik...

Aku : ko g mane td?? lesap skali ngan moto
Adik : Ak g kampong sebelah
Aku : Jumpe sape?
Adik ; Jumpe mirul....(kuat tipo ak padahal jumpe awek dye)
Aku : Asal x bitau kuar??...(gile muke ak macam nak makan org je mase neh)
Adik : heeee..(sengihh je...)

Cerita Boys...

Aku : Ko slalu kuar umah x??
Dia : tgk la gak...bosan kuar ar..
Aku : ko wat pe kuar??
Dia : lepak ngan member ar tu je..
Aku : Mesty ke dak laki kuar jenjalan pastu dak pompuan dok umah je??
Dia : x de ar smpi gtu, tpi nak angin baru je. ko tu pompuan kuar je la kalo nak kan.
Aku : Parents x kasi ak x kuar ar. ko kalo kuar lesap gitu je ke?
Dia : at least ak bitau akak ak.

Cerita Gurl....

Aku : Ehhh!! ko da melantak ke lom??
Kawan : kul 8 td. Bengg la weh. Nth nape akk tu dingin semacam ngan ak. Ase nak  tampo jek.
Aku : akak mane neh??
Kawan : Kedua. Balik balik nk marh ak. Ak g jalan smlm. Drive sndri. Tu pon nak kecoh. Mak ak bg jek. Dye plok lbih.Ntah pape.
Aku : Owh. Ilek2. Mcm akak ak gak. Time angin dye emo gak ngan ak. Ko g ane?
Kawan : Ak  survey barang. Kang sng terus g jek.
Aku : Ko g sorang ke??
Kawan : Aah
Aku : Kalau ak jd kakak ko pon ak marah jugak kat ko
Kawan : pesal

Bebel n Tego...
contoh petame : eh, nape ko letak baju macam tu?? letak lah kat sini bersih sikit....
~ini adalah teguran ok. teguran dan cadangan yg muhasabah. nmapk x point dye?? teguran dan it?? ringkas dan padat

contoh kedua : eh, nape ko letak baju macam tu?? letak lah kat sini bersih sikit. nanty kang orang pijak2 dah kotor balik. pastu ken cuci balik. kalu ko tu rajen sangat x pe lah. nak basuh baju pon tggu penuh baldi tu....bla...bla...blaa...
~ini adalah bebelan. nampak x?? langsung x berkaitan dgn topik nak tego. tibe sabit ke mals lah,  basuh baju lah ape lah. yang nak panjang2 nape?? x ke abes glukose tuh??

Kenape nak marah ngat nie yennn??
~kenapa aku nak marah sngt neh?? gile ak concern kot pasal mereka2 itu kan. bukan x ley kuar nak jenjalan kan. boleh je. ape jadah dok umah hadap dinding je x  kan?? tapi dah dapat green light x yah lah nak pecut sngtkan. ak ingat ayah cakap pe. ayah percaya kat ak. kalau x, x de nye ak smpi sarawak neh. jadi jgn rosak kan kepercayaan ayah. iyee!! kau dah besa. suke aty lah nak buat ape kan. tapi seda diri kau tu anak dia.

aku pon nak marah jugak yen!!
~aku penah nak marah adik ak sebab dye kuar umah gitu je. bolehh?? tgk2 mghrib baru sampi umah. ayah kool je, tapi muke dah tegang dah. along dah cekak pinggang nak marah. adik masok je umah ambikkk kau dye tembak berdas2


From the very first day that our paths crossed
It seemed our lives were deeply entwined

I will never forget how I met you
Or how you slowly stole away my heart Ummm…

Even though back then we were enemies
You just seemed to stand out from the crowd

Your strength and your heart and just who you are
I can no longer deny I’m in love

You may not have believed
Just how deeply that I care for you

Even now, you still do not know my heart
How can I explain how I feel? Ohhh…


Baby, don’t be the first one to let go
We can make it through if we just be strong

You know I can never ever get over you
I’m all alone just crying for you

You know my heart is missing for you
Baby! I love you! I’m waiting for you!


I know we had to face so much pain
Being with me seemed to be so hard

I’m sorry that my pride got in the way
You know you were the one who changed my life

Why don’t you understand
I’d give up the world just for you?

Even if it’d cost me my everything
I will hold on to what we had Ohhh…


Baby, please forgive this fool that you love
I just wanted to protect you from harm

My heart stopped beating for speaking those hurtful words
I’m all alone just crying for you

You know my heart is missing for you
Baby! I love you! I’m waiting for you!


Bye bye, never say good-bye
Remember how much we were in love

I need you; I want to say how much I want you
Baby, please give me one more chance
