Langkau ke kandungan utama

ego yg ku cipta...

yeah...ak mmg kuat menagis...

ak selalu menagis sbb nak kasi lega...
bnyk maslah...masih x percaya kat org...
ak pendam..last2 ak nages...
sakit taw pendam2 neh...

da jd cam kebiasaan...
everytime ak stres, morale down, problem...
menagis...dan menagis...
mcm dpt kekuatan baru pas nages...
then ak cm x sbnrnya...

ak da penat sngat menagis...
rasa cam lemah je ble menagis...
mata bengkak...kepale pening...
nak2 ak x ley nak bantu diri sndri....
ak da x mo menagis...

ak buat benteng...EGO...
bila ak ada maslah ak buat x taw....
klu gi mane2...ak keraskan aty...
org tego ak...ak dengar tp x buat...
mcm ak yg betul...mulut makin jahat...
org ckp pape...ak jd emosional...
nak tunjuk diri ini fact i'm trouble...

*people often see i'm happy...they didn't even know how broken my heart into pieces...
*they always belive me coz they see i'm perfect...
*they ask me for advice coz they see i'm strong person...
*they think i good person coz the cloth that i wear...
*they laugh with me everyday coz i know how to keep it as my biggest secret
*but i can't hide it from myself...

~i need help from psychiatric ~
